Startup Spotlight - Blog and Beyond
The RookieOven Startup Spotlight highlights a member of the Scottish tech startup community. The aim is to, as the name suggests, put the…
By Michael Hayes
The RookieOven Startup Spotlight highlights a member of the Scottish tech startup community. The aim is to, as the name suggests, put the…
By Michael Hayes
All great businesses start with a great business plan. It might sound unnecessary, but taking the time to sit and map out your objectives…
By Charlotte Dougall
The RookieOven Startup Spotlight highlights a member of the Scottish tech startup community. The aim is to, as the name suggests, put the …
By Charlotte Dougall
Glasgow is a world leading tourist destination with a rich history, spectacular events and diverse culture. Glasgow is also home to a strong…
By Michael Hayes
If you're reading this I'll hazard a crazy guess you're involved in tech. So when did you start to learn about it? When you were a child or…
By John Bell
How many times have developers picked up tickets because they were in the backlog? Delivered them and never asked why? Metrics driven…
By Michael Carr
What happened on 14 June was terrible. The fire that devastated the Grenfell Tower took 79 lives and changes many more. In the days and…
By Michael Hayes
Technology is changing our lives at an ever increasing rate and by extension changing how businesses operate. Therefore businesses should be…
By Michael Hayes
RookieOven works hard to create a better startup community in Scotland and we strongly feel a large part of this is taking time to foster…
By Michael Hayes
With RookieOven I've always tried my best to shine a spotlight on tech companies and happenings across Scotland. The blog has covered…
By Michael Hayes
As well as gearing up for RookieOven Academy Three, we've been reflecting on the last two Academies and taking the time to figure out what's…
By John Bell
About Adimo Adimo is making marketing shoppable. Its platform integrates with any form of marketing – including display ads, landing pages…
By Peter Retson
TRC Media acknowledge that women are under-represented at board level in the tech/digital sector in Scotland - so they decided to take…
By Peter Retson
Last night was Demo Day for the RookieOven Academy and brought an end to our second cohort. With the Academy the goal is for the young…
By Michael Hayes
We're currently running our second RookieOven Academy; each week we call on talent in the Glasgow tech industry to come to RookieOven and…
By John Bell
Dig out that Christmas jumper, dust off your Santa hat and get ready for some seasonal cheer… It’s the Glasgow Tech Christmas Party! Back…
By Kyle Bremner
Earlier this year we ran our first RookieOven Academy. It ran for 5 weeks (across 6, 2 hour sessions) from May into June with talented and…
By Michael Hayes
Without doubt one of my highlights for 2016 (so far) has been the Cross Creative programme ran by TRC Media. It gave me more confidence…
By Michael Hayes