What's happening in the Scottish tech community for Christmas?
We’ve had the first snow fall of the winter and it’s just a little over two weeks until Christmas. Workplaces across the country will be…
By Michael Hayes
We’ve had the first snow fall of the winter and it’s just a little over two weeks until Christmas. Workplaces across the country will be…
By Michael Hayes
So a week ago we had the first RookieOven Galleries event in Glasgow. They day worked out pretty well and we had good fun but I thought it…
By Michael Hayes
Earlier this year I highlighted some top events taking place across Scotland and it seemed to go down pretty well so I figured worth…
By Michael Hayes
When one of his close friends lost her iPhone in a taxi while in Glasgow Raj Sark decided to do something to reduce the risk of losing…
By Michael Hayes
Flexiant Tony Lucas is founder and SVP of Product at Flexiant and will be taking the stage at Web Summit on day one for a session held on…
By Michael Hayes
This Friday, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs with a passion for technology and the environment will gather for 54 hours in Glasgow…
By Michael Hayes
There have been a few notable changes since RookieOven last covered GatherContent, which we described as Basecamp meets Google Docs with…
By Michael Hayes
Last week I was invited along to the ScotlandIS ScotSoft 2013 Global Forum. It was a fantastic event with an utterly brilliant line up of…
By Michael Hayes
So far this year Scotland has been home to many brilliant tech events and that trend looks to continue as we close out 2013. Here are a…
By Michael Hayes
A great resource on the Hacker News community is the monthly ‘Who’s Hiring’ thread where startups can promote openings. I figured it would…
By Michael Hayes
Open Tech Calendar, the Edinburgh based website that lists local technology events, is going to be one year old on 24th July 2013. In it’s…
By Michael Hayes
Two weeks ago, the great and the good (and the very keen) of the UX community gathered together for the first UX Scotland conference. It was…
By David Wong
The RE.WORK Technology Summit is a one-day event that brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and…
By Michael Hayes
UX Scotland lands in Edinburgh in two weeks’ time, setting up home at the Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh over the two days from Thursday, 2…
By David Wong
This is a guest post from Callum Stuart COO of Mallzee. A lot has changed here at MallzeeHQ over the past month. We’ve raised investment…
By Michael Hayes
RookieOven has been pretty quite of late, apologies for that, but I do hope to explain the reasons behind that in a post later this week but…
By Michael Hayes
In Scotland? Into UX? Well you’re in luck as UX Scotland is just round the corner and what’s more you can get all your news about UX…
By David Wong
Would the government be better giving money directly to startups and letting them decide what to do with it? The question crossed my mind a…
By David Wong