The RookieOven blog

Advice, news, opinion and experience. By founders for founders.
What is a Minimum Viable Product? image

What is a Minimum Viable Product?

If you frequent the startup community, you’ll most likely have come across the term “MVP” and its importance for early-stage businesses. The…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Michael Hayes image

Meet the Expert - Michael Hayes

Michael is the founder of software development company Add Jam and the brains behind RookieOven. Add Jam was founded by Michael and co…

By Charlotte Dougall

Community Podcast Recommendations image

Community Podcast Recommendations

The Recipe for SEO Success Show The Recipe for SEO Success podcast helps you expand your understanding of all things Search Engine…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Andrew Farquhar image

Meet the Expert - Andrew Farquhar

Andrew is an experienced technology lawyer and founding member of Skyscanner’s legal team. He’s advised Skyscanner throughout its transition…

By Charlotte Dougall

How to Prepare for a Holiday as a Freelancer image

How to Prepare for a Holiday as a Freelancer

As a new freelancer taking a holiday can be daunting. You might have the fear of letting your clients down or missing out on work. This can…

By Jamie McHale

£250k Investment Win for Pitchbooking image

£250k Investment Win for Pitchbooking

Pitchbooking have announced the results of their latest investment round, securing £250,000 in funding that it believes will help it become…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Founder - Raj Sark image

Meet the Founder - Raj Sark

Raj Sark is a Partner at InnovateFromZero, Founder of Connect-In Ltd. and former CEO of Xupo technologies. Raj is an active innovation…

By Charlotte Dougall

How to Find a Co-Founder for Your Startup image

How to Find a Co-Founder for Your Startup

Starting a business solo can be an intimidating task, and going it alone isn’t the best route for everyone. If you’re looking for someone to…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Stuart Mackay image

Meet the Expert - Stuart Mackay

Stuart Mackay is an Audit Manager and part of the Technology, Media and Telecommunications team in Scotland with Grant Thornton. Stuart is…

By Charlotte Dougall

Startup Spotlight - Neonburn image

Startup Spotlight - Neonburn

We spoke to Gregg O'Malley from Neonburn about his journey as a startup founder. Tell us a bit about what your startup does? Neon Burn…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Anoop Joshi image

Meet the Expert - Anoop Joshi

Anoop Joshi is one of the experts on hand to chat with at the RookieOven Drop In Days each month. As part of Skyscanner’s legal team, he’s…

By Charlotte Dougall

5 Things Every Founder Should Do at Christmas image

5 Things Every Founder Should Do at Christmas

When you’re working on a startup idea, it's so easy to pour too much of yourself into the businesses and neglect looking after your own well…

By Michael Hayes

3 Low Cost Marketing Techniques to Promote Your Business image

3 Low Cost Marketing Techniques to Promote Your Business

Marketing is a really important part of starting a business, but not everyone has a huge budget to dedicate to getting the word out. Luckily…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Claire Foss image

Meet the Expert - Claire Foss

Each month, we run a Drop In Day where you can come along to RookieOven and chat to experts from the Scottish tech scene. Claire Foss is one…

By Charlotte Dougall

How to Set Effective Goals image

How to Set Effective Goals

It might be a bit of a cliche to talk about setting goals as the new year creeps closer, but there’s no denying that a new year makes for a…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Founder - Jude Cook image

Meet the Founder - Jude Cook

Jude is the co-founder of ShareIn, providers of customisable investment software that helps you raise funds directly from your own network…

By Charlotte Dougall

Meet the Expert - Andrew Sloane image

Meet the Expert - Andrew Sloane

Ahead of our next Drop In Day this Friday, we’re sitting down with one of the experts who’ll be coming along to offer up their advice on the…

By Charlotte Dougall

The Motivation Behind the RookieOven Drop In Days image

The Motivation Behind the RookieOven Drop In Days

Earlier this month we tried something new; a drop in day. The premise being anyone can come along to the RookieOven Coworking Space in…

By Michael Hayes

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