The RookieOven blog

Advice, news, opinion and experience. By founders for founders.

TaxiApp Launches in Aberdeen

There is now a new way of booking a taxi in Aberdeen. TaxiApp has been launched by Aberdeen based company Whaapp.  The app is available from…

By Michael Hayes

ShopForCloud Acquired; Now PlanForCloud

Yes, ShopForCloud has been acquired by RightScale, the cloud computing management solution. As part of the acquisition ShopForCloud has now…

By Michael Hayes

More Awesome Events in Glasgow

This past week has to be one of the busiest yet in Glasgow for tech folk. Last Monday we had the UX Book Club, then on Tuesday the first…

By Michael Hayes

Peaks and Troughs

Life, in general, is full of peaks and troughs; one minute you’re up and the next you can be knocked back down. However with startup life…

By Michael Hayes

Applications Closing Soon For Seedcamp London

Seedcamp London is due to take place on August 7th in the newly opened Google Campus. Seedcamp aims to bring together 20 of the best early…

By Michael Hayes

Startup Weekend Glasgow - The Video

Startup Weekend Glasgow at the end of May this year was the first Startup Weekend to take place in Scotland. It was a fantastic weekend…

By Michael Hayes

RookieOven Meetup - July

For July the monthly RookieOven meetup will be using a new venue as the usual venue, the Bier Halle on Sauchiehall Street, has closed for…

By Michael Hayes

EIE12 Keynote Video

There were a few posts on RookieOven about EIE after the event, one highlighting some of the startups exhibiting and presenting and another…

By Michael Hayes

RookieOven About The Web

Yesterday morning I created a new LinkedIn Group for RookieOven with the aim of creating a place for Scottish tech startups to discuss…

By Michael Hayes

Bootstrapd Open Space Event for Self-Funded Startups

Of interest to Scottish startups is Bootstrapd, a non-profit event for software professionals with an independent spirit. Bootstrapd is a…

By Michael Hayes

WallaBee is a Finalist in the Startup2.0 Competition

The ultimate collection game WallaBee is one of 5 finalists in the Startup2.0 competition in Bilbao. Taking place 15-16th of June WallaBee…

By Michael Hayes

Cake Time for RookieOven

Last Friday we held a one year birthday party for RookieOven. Kev O’Neil of 29 Studios and was kind enough to offer the use of…

By Michael Hayes

Ten Tips For Young Entrepreneurs

Cally Russell, founder of RecommendedBy, recently won the Entrepreneurial Spark #startuptweetday with his campaign of 10 tips for start-ups…

By Cally Russell

RookieOven First Birthday Party

RookieOven website was one year old a few weeks back, for the past year I’ve been trying my best to promote Scottish tech startups, give…

By Michael Hayes

Startup Weekend Glasgow: The Teams

From the awesome pitches at Startup Weekend Glasgow we settled on 12 teams (in no particular order): Gifty: your friends, the perfect gifts…

By Michael Hayes

YouTube Mobile/Google TV London Hackathon

I recieved an email about the YouTube Mobile/Google TV London Hackathon on 6th-8th of July and thought it would be of interest to the…

By Michael Hayes

EIE12 Keynote Speaker - Sir Jackie Stewart

As I highlighted in my last post it was Engage Invest Exploit ’12 at the University of Edinburgh last week. EIE aims to put promising…

By Michael Hayes

Pick of the bunch from EIE12

Last Thursday (the 10th May) was Engage Invest Exploit in Edinburgh. I was lucky enough to be able to attend the event which puts investors…

By Michael Hayes

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