August 2024 RookieOven Meetup
A new month has rolled round, that means it time for another RookieOven Meetup for startups in Glasgow. 5th August 6:30pm start, see you there?
Michael Hayes | Wednesday July 31st 2024

The August 2024 edition of the RookieOven Meetup is just around the corner. I can't believe we're in the back half of the year already. August Meetup hopefully starts to see an uptick in attendance now holidays are over with and we start to focus on closing out the year.
What's the meetup about?
I started the RookieOven meetup to give me a chance to meet other people interested in tech, software and startups. Basically come along and meet other founders and tech enthusiasts in a relaxed atmosphere.
The RookieOven Meetup is a long standing monthly event for Glasgow based tech founders to get together - share successes, get advice and share knowledge with each other.
Free to attend, no ticket needed. Just come to The Raven from 6.30pm onwards first Monday of each month.
It will be my first time going, can I chat before hand?
Yeah sure, I know better than most how intimidating it can be to enter a new meetup with a bunch of new names and faces. To make it a bit easier give me a tweet - @_mdhayes - or shoot me a message on LinkedIn so there's at least one familiar person there.
If you can't make it this month get the 2nd of September in your diary.