TRC Special Edition 2019
A 6 month professional development programme for women in digital/tech roles
Michael Hayes | Wednesday July 3rd 2019

Take it from me, TRC Media offer some of the best support for Digital/Tech businesses in Scotland. I was lucky enough to be on the Cross Creative programme in 2016 where I visited Dropbox, Facebook, Medium, Twitter, Pixar and more. With Special Edition TRC offer a 6 month programme specifically for ambitious women in tech.
Why Special Edition?
Women are under-represented at Board level in the digital/tech sector in Scotland. To address this imbalance, TRC Media created Special Edition, a professional development programme that seeks to help ambitious, talented women fulfil their potential and reach the top of the industry.
What can I expect?
Running over six months, the programme offers a dynamic mix of professional development training and creative expertise to help boost your confidence, improve your entrepreneurial skills, expand professional networks and progress your career in digital. The initiative includes formal workshops delivered by leading industry trainers plus an international field trip to meet with inspiring people making moves in the digital world.
The overall ambition of this programme is to set our female delegates on a career trajectory that ultimately leads to the boardroom. Now in its sixth year of delivery, Special Edition alumni have gone on to great things. Previous delegates have secured secure significant promotions, including to Board level, and started their own businesses.
Training will be delivered through one full-day training session per month over a period of six months. We work with leading trainers and respected industry professionals who have collaborated with TRC over several years and receive consistently excellent feedback from our delegates. Session topics for 2019/20 are yet to be tied down but will cover a range of topics such as
Who is it for?
Special Edition is open to women working in commercial businesses in the digital sector in Scotland. For guidance, this includes but is not limited to: digital agencies, software development, games, animation, mobile apps, augmented/virtual reality and technology.
We welcome applications from ambitious female candidates* who will use this exceptional opportunity to progress their professional careers. Applicants should have:
*Special Edition is open to all women (trans, intersex and cis) and all nonbinary, agender and gender variant people. Self-definition is at the sole discretion of that individual.
How do I apply?
Application is via an online survey - - and I personally can't recommend TRC programmes enough. It had a profound impact on RookieOven and my business. Get involved!