Meet the Founder - Stuart McLeod
We chat to Stuart about his experiences as the co-founder of VASTCLICKS
Charlotte Dougall | Thursday October 18th 2018

Tell us a bit about what your startup does?
VASTCLICKS is a URL shortener, link management and messenger platform that allows you to take advantage of that breaking news story, how-to article or popular review post that you want to share with your target audience. Created as a SaaS platform, VASTCLICKS enables marketers to shorten content URLs down to a custom branded link and equip it with an optimised overlay ad to promote an offer. You can also attach all your preferred retargeting pixels & remarket to those who click your links across various social ad platforms.
What was the inspiration behind your startup?
Our inspiration came from the performance marketing agency we started in 2016 called Adidit. Adidit's focus was to develop our own brands that generated revenue through Affiliate Marketing, Lead Generation & E-commerce. However, our big pain point was trying to create fresh, relevant and authoritative content with limited resource across multiple verticals. Like many marketers, we shared articles from top publications to supplement our social media but frustratingly I knew we were sending visitors away with no way of re-engaging with them. On top of that, GDPR was around the corner and a lot of marketers were going to have to bin their email lists and rebuild their audiences. We knew there had to be a better way, so we set about building the first version of what would become VASTCLICKS.
What is your background?
I have always had some form of job or side hustle since I was 11 years old. After finishing school, I tried further education but it wasn't for me. By my late teens, I had become a self-taught IT consultant which lead to me working for the City Holdings group. City gave me a project to build a website to recruit staff, an experience which opened my eyes to the possibilities of the Internet. I later left the IT sector in my early 20's and started importing products and selling them on my own e-commerce sites. Since then I have spent over 10 years helping organisations generate revenue through digital marketing. In 2016 I left my position as head of digital for Scotlands largest private hospitality company, having led the team that transformed their entire digital portfolio, to form Adidit.
Did you always see yourself running your own company?
I tried not to as it would have been easier to get a job, pick up a salary, go home at night and relax. Unfortunately, I am not wired that way, my mind doesn't stop and I love the creative freedom to be able to build something with no limitations.
What are the biggest challenges you face having your own business?
For myself, it was trying to articulate exactly what our platform does and communicate it in a way that even my mum could understand. This seems like common sense because it was obvious to me what VASTCLICKS was all about. However, unless your product or service is as simple as turning on a light switch, don't assume your customer is going to have a light bulb moment.
If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
Nobody gives a s**t unless it benefits them! Keep delivering value and believe in yourself.
Do you have one piece of advice you’d give to people looking to make the jump to self-employed?
Expect the best but prepare for the worst. Invest wisely and leave vanity at the door.
For more from Stuart follow him on Twitter.
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