Grenfell Tower Support Hack
Legal Hackers Scotland community have organised a hackathon, which is taking place this weekend – 25 + 26 June - in Glasgow to support those affect by the Grenfell Tower fire.
Michael Hayes | Friday June 23rd 2017

What happened on 14 June was terrible. The fire that devastated the Grenfell Tower took 79 lives and changes many more. In the days and weeks following the fire there has been such a clear need to support those effected. So what can the people of Glasgow do to help?
In what could be one of the fastest organised hacks in history, Arlene McDaid of Legal Hacker Scotland has pulled together a Hack this weekend! Arlene only started talking about doing some this week and ideas started to percolate and as the reality of the aftermath unfolded, the determination to make a contribution to the relief effort grew. So we – Legal Hackers Scotland community have organised a hackathon, which is taking place this weekend – 25 + 26 June - in Glasgow.
What do we need?
Technical or non-technical (you don't need to be able to write code), your contribution can make a difference. All skill-sets are welcome. Copywtiting, design, animation, audio production, data scientist, digital marketing, PR, advertising, Legal professionals and law students, we hope you will join us! So many skills sets in our city that we can apply over the weekend to a good cause.
How can we highlight resources and support? Can we make legal advise more accessible? Can we help on the ground support initiatives with some digital marketing to increase their reach? Can we help people find employment? How do we help people connect with relatives overseas? There are so many small jobs that we could pitch in to do that will make a huge difference to those affected.
If you would like to get involved, please sign-up here: If you can’t commit to the whole weekend, feel free to drop in and help shape ideas.
A special thanks to Alasdair Thomson and Stephen Moore of Peloton Communications, who didn’t hesitate in agreeing to host the hackathon at their fantastic premises, Curated House. Please share the event details with your networks!
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