Dress Me
RookieOven founder Michael is heading to San Francisco on 5th March as part of the 2016 Cross Creative Programme. He's hoping to promote Scottish tech while out there.
Michael Hayes | Monday February 29th 2016

A lot of people are shocked to discover I've never been to San Francisco (in fact the last time I was even in America I was on a school trip at 13) but that's about to change. On Saturday I head over to California as part of the 2016 Cross Creative Programme with my Add Jam hat on. However I see an opportunity to help spread the word about the great businesses based in Scotland - I want you to dress me.
While in California I'm going to be visiting companies like Twitter, Facebook, IDEO, Dropbox, Unity and Pixar so why don't I wear branded tshirts and/or hoodies from Scottish startups?
I know it's pretty short notice but if anyone has tshirts or swag thy would like me to model in California drop me an email (michael@rookieoven.com) and I can arrange to pick it up from you.
I'm of course going to be posting my trip to the RookieOven social media (specifically Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) but also my personal accounts so keep an eye on my Twitter (@_MDHayes) or connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn.
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