Startup Weekend Glasgow 2013 - Sustainability and Clean Tech

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about Startup Weekend Glasgow 2013 - Sustainability and Clean Tech. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Tuesday October 22nd 2013

This Friday, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs with a passion for technology and the environment will gather for 54 hours in Glasgow for Startup Weekend Glasgow: Sustainability and Clean Tech.

Up to 100 hackers, designers and industry professionals will meet at the city’s SocietyM on Renfrew Street on Friday October 25th. Apart from sleep breaks, the groups will work constantly throughout the weekend creating and validating business ideas relating to environmental sustainability.

As with all Startup Weekends the event has been organised over the past few months by a team of volunteers based in the Scottish community. The team has been led by Allan Lloyds, founder of InisghtArcade and have pulled out all the stops to ensure this is the biggest and best Startup Weekend to hit Scotland.

Despite there being over 1000+ previous Startup Weekends events in over 475 cities all around the world this is the very first event focused on environmental sustainability and cleantech. Right here in Scotland.

Scotland has led the way in biological and environmental science. The phrase, “Think Global, Act Local” – one of the most successful and memorable environmental slogans – is attributed to the Scot, Sir Patrick Geddes, who made significant contributions to environmental thinking and urban planning a century ago. Now our country is leading the way in the development of sustainable technologies to protect our environment.

If you’d like to think global, then support a local volunteer run event and get yourself along to SocietyM this weekend.

The whole weekend event culminates on Sunday October 27th from 4.30pm, when the groups will present their business ideas to a panel of experts including Andrew Mitchell of the Clean Web Factory, Fiona Godsman of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise and Stuart Deed of The Launch Point at the Lighthouse on Mitchell Lane.  It is hoped some of the ideas will be developed into environmental and clean technology businesses.

To find out more and get your ticket go to –

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