A Startups New Years Resolutions (kinda)

Blog post by Cally Russell on the RookieOven blog about A Startups New Years Resolutions (kinda). Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Cally Russell | Friday January 11th 2013

Well 2012 is behind us and 2013 is shaping up nicely for the Scottish tech scene. As we’re all getting back into the flow of work and trying to shift that extra Christmas weight I thought it would be beneficial to look back at 2012 and share some areas that I’m going to focus on in 2013.

These aren’t my New Year resolutions, I never manage to stick to them anyway, but just improvements for 2013 that will help us make Mallzee as successful as possible.

The Past is the Past

Life’s too short to worry about what’s gone before, who’s wronged you, who said what or any other bull. If you focus on the past then you’ll never create the future you want. That’s why I’m not worrying about any of the things from 2012. The web developers who wronged us, who said what about our efforts, not winning an award or anything else. 2013 is about the future and putting all thats gone before aside and focusing on being the best company we can be.

Global Ambition

I love Scotland. It’s a great country and we’ve given the world some of the greatest inventions ever. In 2013 lets keep changing the world! We’ve got all the resources if we’re willing to work for it and I know with some of the awesome startups we have here that we can make 2013 a global year for Scotland.

Work Together

In 2013 I’m going to work with as many people as I can. Not just to benefit myself but to try and help others as well. The more we collaborate – the better we’ll all become. I’ve learnt some great things from others this year and I’m sure you will have as well. Lets keep it going, open doors for each other and work together.

Focus on the Customer

In any startup they are the life blood and this year put them at the heart of everything you do. In the case of my startup, that’s why we released a very early stage beta to a small group of users just after Christmas. The feedback we’ve had from them is astonishing and has already helped us develop. To make sure we keep getting this feedback we’re going to keep ship, ship, shipping.

Awesome People

This year is all about meeting awesome people. In 2012 I spent time in the Dublin, London and Tel Aviv start up communities and I met many awesome people in the process. In 2013 I’m going to meet even more. By connecting, collaborating and even just being around awesome people you improve and grow. With this in mind I’m also going to go to as many events in Scotland as possible and meet every awesome person I can. (Apologies for the use of the word awesome).

Learn and Move Forward

In the first half of 2012 I had my eyes and my ears shut. I didn’t learn cause I thought I knew it all. In 2013 I won’t be making the same mistake. This year I’m going to learn something new every day and not make the same mistakes as I did in 2012. In the last six months we’ve moved forward a lot and this momentum is something we’re not going to let stop.

Thats my (kinda) New Year resolutions, wither you agree with my choices or not it would be great to hear what areas you’re going to focus on in 2013 and why in the comments below.

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