Scottish talent at the Dublin Web Summit

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about Scottish talent at the Dublin Web Summit. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Wednesday October 17th 2012

RookieOven is currently at the Dublin Web Summit with the intention of connecting Scotland with startups from hubs across Europe and relay opinions and news from the event to the Scottish community. But we also hope to shine a light on the Scots here exhibiting as part of START150.


Float provide cashflow forecasting to SME’s. Float consists of founder Colin Hewitt and Philip Roberts and is based in Edinburgh, inside the recently opened TechCube. Float aims to make forecasting accessible for small business owners. Helping them avoid sleepless nights, painful spreadsheets and ultimately running out of money.

Float are on stand 243 in the main hub.


Stipso provide smart market engagement. Based in Edinburgh, Stipso helps businesses create market engagement in the social web using dynamic infographics. Stipso are being represented at the Dublin Web Summit by founders Brian Corcoran and Steven Drost.

Stipso are on stand 229 in the main hub.


My1Login is a free, online password manager that gives you highly-secure access to your passwords from anywhere. Based in Glasgow and part of the Glasgow University business incubator, My1Login are represented by founder Mike  Newman and community manage Norman Begg.

My1Login are on stand 190 in the main hub.

Aside from the Scottish companies on display as part of START150 there is a range of talent from around the world, exciting companies such as [GoSquared][4], Seedrs, Chirp and Twocial

[4]: is a free, online password manager that gives you highly-secure access to your passwords from anywhere. "GoSquared"

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