RookieOven will be at the Dublin Web Summit

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about RookieOven will be at the Dublin Web Summit. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Thursday October 11th 2012

Over 200 international speakers and more than 3,000 attendees from over 50 countries will descend on Dublin next Wednesday and Thursday for the Dublin Web Summit. The good news is RookieOven will be there too.

Why exactly is RookieOven going? Well the reason for RookieOven going is three fold:

  • Learn: How can Scotland get better? There are wealth of international talent heading to Dublin, the likes of Kevin Rose, Max Niederhofer, Robert Scoble and Mike McCue. A range of amazing talent from around the world that I’m certain will be sharing nuggets of knowledge that we will be able to rely on RookieOven.
  • Connect: Scotland at times can be too inward looking and when it isn’t it tends to look to either London or The Valley. We should be reaching out to startup hubs around the world and making connections to the many interesting startups and talented individuals within them. The Dublin Web Summit is a fantastic platform for RookieOven to meet some of Europe’s best startups and bring them to the attention of the Scottish community.
  • Promote: Quite a few Scottish companies are taking part in the Dublin Web Summit as exhibitors, FloatStipso and PlanForCloud to name a few, and there will be many Scottish attendees. Through RookieOven we hope to promote these Scottish startups and founders and provide support to them whilst they are at the Web Summit.

I would ask those of you unable to make it to have a look over the attendees list, who do you think we should be speaking to? Who do you think could add a lot to the Scottish community? Leave a comment or get in touch and we will be sure to try our best.

Finally if you are an attendee or exhibitor at Dublin Web Summit and would like to talk to RookieOven, drop me (Michael) an email or a tweet.

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