A new lick of paint

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about A new lick of paint. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Monday September 3rd 2012

Welcome to the new look RookieOven. The site has been given a fresh new look thanks to Greg Cooper (aka @Awfy), co-founder of Interstate, and the timing couldn’t be better.

Today I finish studying my Masters Degree; up until now RookieOven has mainly been done whilst I was studying, fitting in blog posts between lectures, adding features between pieces of coursework etc. However now I’m finished I want to focus on RookieOven to ensure it really does add a substantial amount to the Scottish tech startup community. I plan to have more regular posts, more varied posts and most importantly more posts from across Scotland.

It’s something I’ve been saying since starting RookieOven; Scotland is a small country. As a community we can’t afford to be locked up in our own little clusters. A short train journey can take you the breadth of the country yet we seem to have an issue traversing this distance; hopefully this is where RookieOven comes in. I would love it if members of the Scottish startup community would contribute to the site with issue’s affecting them in their area or to share their experiences.

Over the coming months I’m eager to see it come to fruition that the community contribute to the site and for RookieOven to become a valuable asset to the Scottish community. For this to happen it’s going to need the community pulling together. You in?

P.S. Any problems with the new design drop me an email.

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