EIE12 Keynote Video

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about EIE12 Keynote Video. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Friday June 22nd 2012

There were a few posts on RookieOven about EIE after the event, one highlighting some of the startups exhibiting and presenting and another with an overview of the talk by Sir Jackie Stewart. I’ve just came across the video of the keynote by Sir Jackie and I encourage everyone to watch it. The keynote was recorded by Informatics Ventures, the organisers of EIE12, on the day and they have uploaded the video to Vimeo (embedded below).

I hope you agree that he was a fantastic speaker; I feel I gained a lot from listening to him and the experiences he shared. Next year at EIE13 Informatics Ventures have Sir Tom Hunter presenting the Keynote which I’m sure will be just as awesome.

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