RookieOven About The Web

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about RookieOven About The Web. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Tuesday June 19th 2012

Yesterday morning I created a new LinkedIn Group for RookieOven with the aim of creating a place for Scottish tech startups to discuss matters with their peers. Thought it would be worthwhile doing a quick post to highlight some of the places online RookieOven can be found. The various services used allow blog readers and meetup attendees to interact and share ideas so definitely check them out.

  • LinkedIn – I’ve connected with a lot of interesting people through LinkedIn so it makes sense to create a LinkedIn Group so we can share thoughts and ideas. Despite only being a day old some fantastic discussions are already taking place on it so definitely check it out.
  • Facebook – The RookieOven Facebook page is a place where new blog posts will be shared as well as interetsting content relevant to Scottish startups. If you’re a Facebook user (are there many folk who aren’t?) then like the page to join in. Also for the regular RookieOven meetups there are Facebook events so you can see who else will be coming along.
  • Twitter – You can follow the RookieOven Twitter account to keep up to date with posts and articles that I think are relevant to startups. I post all the tweets so it will be me (Michael) you will be talking to if you tweet the account.
  • Google Plus – Not the busiest place on the internet but it’s a service I think will be important for Scottish startups to use. You can add RookieOven to a circle and follow the RookieOven updates.

So that’s the places RookieOven lives online (aside from the blog), anywhere else you think RookieOven should be?

P.S. Be sure to check out this earlier post with some more great resources for Scottish tech startups.

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