Doing my bit

Blog post by Michael Hayes on the RookieOven blog about Doing my bit. Read about Scottish startups and the tech community from founders.

Michael Hayes | Tuesday May 31st 2011

The last few posts on here I’ve been banging on about how in Glasgow we should have a better community for tech folk so I’m not going to sit by and just moan. I’m going to act!

I want to get anyone who has an interest in the internet, technology, design, social media or being an entrepreneur to meet up, grab a couple of beers and get to know each other. Quite informal, not set topics or rules just a get together for some great chat. So you interested?

I’m thinking Monday 6th June in Republic Bier Halle on Gordon Street, Glasgow at half 6. Great beers, great pizza and better chat. Hopefully if there is a good turn out we can turn this into a monthly catch up over a few beers. Sound good?

If you’re interested leave a comment or get in touch with me via Twitter.

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